

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Vista User Profile Problem

Today I encountered the vista user profile problem, as thousands of others. The operating system can not be logged in and it reports that errors happen when loading user profile.

My first attack to this problem is, of course, restarting the computer, which does not work. Then I google this problem, and find a way to log into vista by the safe mode. I check the user profile service as suggested, and find nothing wrong. Restart the computer, and the problem persists. This is the very time that I start to be panic. Further search online shows that it is probably due to the wrong key in the registry. Log in by the safe mode again, and check the registry. In the "profilelist", find the corrupted key name, which is added by ".bak". Change it back, and the problem is fixed:)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Set up Latex Environment for Emacs in Windows

My first setting up follows the advice from, which is the ideal choice for the beginner. However, software used in this setting up is always being updated, e.g. miktex up to 2.7, emacs up to 22.2 etc. So there will be a little difference using those updated version.

For the preparation, downloading the proper version of software is the first priority. Google the key word "emacs in windows", and you will get several useful suggestion. If you are the fans of cygwin or mingw, you can set up those environment in the first place, then use linux distribution of those GNU software. In fact, it is totally unnecessary if you are not interested, although both cygwin and mingw are powerful tool in windows, especially if you want to set up emacs+gcc+gdb+make for C programming. Anyway, for emacs 22.2, there is binary distribution of windows, and the installation is very simple: unzip the files into a directory and run addpm in \bin. You don't have to worry environment variable.

For miktex, current stable version is 2.7, which can be found from For complete system installation, download the net installer, run it and choose "download". Save the files into a directory you can find afterwards. Run the installer again after finishing download, and choose "install" this time. Browse into the directory where you download the distribution. Still you don't have to worry environment variable.

For Auctex, the current stable version is 11.85. My suggestion is to use binary distribution from, if you don't want to get into trouble of compiling it yourself. Only thing you have to do is to unzip the files into emacs directory.

For Ghostscript and Gsview setting up, refer to the link in the beginning. Google it and find the latest verion. Install and add the directory \gsview\ gs\gs8.xx\lib \gs\gs8.xx\bin into environment variable PATH.

Ispell installation becomes simpler thanks to Akira Kakuto, who compile it by Microsoft VC++. Download binary distribution from Read the document README.w32.english. My suggestion is to unzip the .exe files in bin to bin directory of emacs, create directory C:\usr\local\lib, and unzip files in \dic into it. This is very simple and you don't have to worry about environment variable.

If you want to run emacs in server mode, or associate files type with emacs, one of choice is gnuclient. Actually the current emacs provides eamcsclient to do the same thing, but I find it a little difficult to set up. Download it from Unzip it to \site-lisp\ and cut the .exe files in \Release to \bin of emacs. Then you can use "folder options" to make the association.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Clemens testifies before Congress


Former New York Yankees baseball pitcher Roger Clemens, right, and 
his former personal trainer Brian McNamee, left, testify on Capitol Hill 
in Washington, Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008, before the House Oversight, and 
Government Reform committee hearing on drug use in baseball. (AP 
Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)Roger Clemens struggled to find the right words under questioning during a congressional hearing Wednesday and denied new accounts of drug use made against him by former teammate and close friend Andy Pettitte.

Friday, May 18, 2007


坐上了去加拿大的飞机,也就开始了一年分离的生活,开启了一年奋斗的征程。刚去加拿大的日子,是辛苦的,是无助的。温哥华转机时的茫然,多伦多找airwaytransit的迷茫,以及在这边让人窒息的种种人情冷漠。还记得在clv south那间卧室,我睡了28个小时,也许是时差,但我觉得我真的需要那么长时间,鼓起勇气,面对新的生活。

Saturday, April 14, 2007



首先给自己选课一个总结吧。总的来说,上学期的课程还是比较轻松。幸运的避开了zhuang的stochastic processes,而是选了STAT 833,由于是combine session,由于那个老师要离开这里,去另外一个学校,整体来说还是比较容易对付的,期中虽然考试的时候看错了一道题(第一次英语考试),但是期末的题简单的让我提前半个小时交卷,最后99分也算比较满意,还是真的很感谢那位中国老师的:)老板的课看似很难,其实由于老板不做这方面的研究,对这门课也不会下很大的功夫,同时由于选课的人减少,所以考试还是比较easy的,期中考了101分确实比较出乎意外,期末的题也不难,97分也算满意的;khandani的课,总的来说还是需要点时间的,由于以前的考试题都比较难,所以考试前的复习压力比较大,不过一旦把这些题弄明白了,考试的时候注意陷阱,还不是很难,特别是期中考试,是gallanger书上的原题,同时我有那本书的solution manual,所以。。。不过后来的project还是花了不少时间,但也就一个星期,而且感觉也是一个锻炼,97分还是不错的。相比之下,这学期的课就tough许多。zhuang的课果然名不虚传,而且project花了我很长的时间,希望最后出来的分数不要太令人失望,毕竟以后还是很想做这个方面的研究的;ravi的课平时花了很多时间,期中比较lucky,考了一个100分,不过project做的不好,没有领会ravi的意图,虽然花了很多时间,但最后只有17分,感觉自己应该可以做的更好,期末的考试,总体还觉得可以,这门课我的担心反而少些。


Wednesday, April 11, 2007





Monday, April 9, 2007




晚上还是看一看fading channel吧,把思路理清楚,后天考试。。。